17 DHC 2025
22 - 24 January 2025
Immunology Abstracts (2)
Characterization of T cells after allo-SCT
22 January
11:45 12:00

Characterization of CMV induced alpha/beta and gamma/delta T cells after allogeneic stem-cell

transplantation utilizing single cell RNA seq

Anniek Stuut (1), Anke Janssen (2), Peter Brazda (1), Froso Karaiskaki (1), Trudy Straetemans (1), Dennis Beringer (1), Zsolt Sebestyen (1), Julia Drylewicz (1), Moniek de Witte (1), Jurgen Kuball (1,2)
(1) UMC Utrecht, Center for Translational Immunology, Utrecht, (2) UMC Utrecht, Department of Hematology
No potential conflicts of interest

Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) remains the only curative option for

various high risk hematological malignancies. To reduce the risk of graft versus host disease, we

perform ex vivo αβT cell depletion before infusion, which is expected to result in an increased risk of

viral reactivations such as cytomegalovirus (CMV). We and others have previously shown that after

αβT cell depleted allo-SCT, early immune reconstitution and viral immunity relies predominantly on

γδT and NK cells. Here we study how CMV contributes to the development of the innate and adaptive

immune repertoires after T cell deplete and T cell replete allo-SCT.


Numerical reconstitution of αβT and γδT cells was analyzed in a retrospective cohort of

patients who had received an αβT cell depleted allo-SCT (n=146) or T cell replete allo-SCT (n=67).

For 30 αβT cell depleted allo-SCT patients, detailed flow cytometric analyses and next generation

sequencing of the δ and β chain were performed. Furthermore, we performed 5’ single cell RNA

sequencing (scRNAseq) on patient samples ~1 year after SCT. We included patients that had

undergone an αβT cell depleted allo-SCT (n=3) or T cell replete allo-SCT (n=3) and experienced a

CMV reactivation after allo-SCT.



In αβT cell depleted allo-SCT recipients both Vδ2- and Vδ2+ γδT cells reconstituted early,

reaching reference values within the first 100 days. CMV reactivation enhanced recovery of Vδ2- T

cells and CD8+ αβT cells. CD8+ αβT cell and Vδ1+ γδT cell expansion after CMV reactivation was

driven by CD27low Teffector cells. Interestingly, we observed that the dominance of Vδ2- γδT cells within

the γδT cell repertoire lasted up to 3 years after allo-SCT, resulting in an inversed ratio of Vδ2+/Vδ2-

γδT cells and associated with slow CD4+ αβT cell reconstitution. This was confirmed by 5’ scRNAseq

analyses 1 year post allo-SCT, where the major γδT cell population was Vδ2- and CD4+ αβT cells

were scarce.


Early immune reconstitution after αβ T cell depleted allo-SCT results in a marked

expansion of Vδ2- γδT cells and CD8+ αβT cells, which is further increased by CMV reactivation.

Moreover, the inversed ratio of Vδ2+/Vδ2- γδT cells in our cohort suggests Vδ2- γδT cells might

contribute as regulators to balance the immune system during the absence of CD4+ αβT cells.
