Congres information 17 DHC

General information

Program information Duth Hematology Congress

Program information Nursing Symposium

General information

The Congress provides all hematologists, internists, pediatricians, radio therapists, oncologists, pathologists, physician assistants, students, residents, data managers, research nurses, researchers, analysts and other interested parties in the Netherlands and Belgium, the means to become informed of the latest developments in hematology in one compact training. Our industrial partners are also welcome as visitor. Please note that there is a maximum of two participants per company per day.

Dutch Hematology Congress
Dutch Hematology Congress presents its fundamental and clinical progress over the past year. The Congress provides the opportunity for PhD students and researchers to present the latest results of their research, also, clinical innovations are critically discussed. The program contains abstract sessions and (interactive) clinical sessions.

Nursing Symposium 
The nursing symposium will be organized for nurses and specialized nurses.
This day is organized by TWG Hematology - part of V&VN oncology - in cooperation with the Dutch Hematology Congress. Further information you will find below under the nurisng symposium secton below.

The Dutch Hematology Congress is a non-profit and sponsorless event. Fees will be as low as possible.

Starting in September, you can visit the registration page of this website for online registration for the 17th Dutch Hematology Congress and the 12th Nursing Symposium. Payments can be made via IDEAL.
The option to pay by invoice is no longer available. After the registration is completed, a confirmation of registration with your invoice will be sent to the email address you provided on your registration form.

Please note:
After the 6th of January 2025, the website will be closed for registration. On site registration will be possible. An on site fee will be applicable and can only be paid by IDEAL, Credit Card payments will not be possible.

Fares, registration and refund policy
Despite the sponsorless conference, the DHC organization believes it is important to keep the registration fees as low as possible, but also finds it important to maintain the social character with joint activities as dinner and social program. Within the DHC foundation, HOVON and NVVh will contribute equally to the additional costs for the organization of a conference without sponsors. This specific financial support is only used for participants who belong to the primary target group of the conference, namely employees of hospitals and research institutions in the field of hematology. The organization decided not to change the rates of researchers and nurses compared to previous years. For medical specialists the rate will increase but remains in line with other conferences such as the NIV days. 

This year we have a differentation in participants with different rates.

Primary target group: working in hosital/research institute
This are all participants who belong to the primary target group of the conference, namely employees of hospitals and research institutions in the field of hematology. Particpants of this group pay the primary tarif 1 or 2. Primary tarif 1 is for hematologist, specialists, midlevel practioners and AIOS. Primary tarif 2 is for ANIOS, researchers, nurses, PhD and this rate is the same as last year.

External target group: other employees
This are all participants who do not belong to the primary target group, i.e. do not work in hospitals of research institutes. 


Fees on site-registration (after 6 january 2025)
After the 6th of January this website is closed for online registration. You can only register on-site on the day of the congress at congres centre Papendal. See the table below for the fees for on-site registration. Only PIN payments are accepted.


Speakers/moderators fare:
Speakers/moderators who are involved in HOVON and/or the NVvH should register (and pay) in order to attend the congress. Guest speakers/moderators (people who are not working within the field of hematology, or are not connected to HOVON and/or the NVvH) will be registered by the congress organization and can declare travel costs.

Cancellation is possible only if you are unable to attend due to unforeseen reasons. You can request a cancellation by sending an email to: In case of cancellation up to November 30th, a refund will be made after deduction of €30 euros administration costs. After 30 November, 50% refund will be made.
No refunds will be made for cancellations after the15th of December 2024.

Hotel rooms at Papendal
Hotel rooms must be booked by the particpants themselves.
Book your hotel room directly with this link
Please note: you have to select first your arrival and depart day before you push the next orange button.

  • You pay directly .
  • If you need an invoice, you need to provide full details of your organisation: e.g. official name, full address etc. in order for Papendal to make the invoice. Make sure you come well prepared and have this information at hand when checking-in.
  • Hotel rooms can still be shared. In this case, you need to make one reservation for 2 persons.

If there are no rooms available, we recommend Van der Valk Hotel Arnhem, which is located a 15 min walk from the congress venue.

Accreditation & Certificate of attendance 


Accreditation 17th Dutch Hematology Congress Accreditation points per day Status
  22/1          23/1            24/1  
Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging    
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde (NVK)    
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Radiotherapie&Oncologie (NVRO)    
Accreditation 12th Nursing Symposium Accreditation points per day Status
Accreditatiebureau Verpleegkundig Specialisten Register    
Accreditatiebureau Kwaliteitsregister V&V en Register zorgprofessionals    
Accreditation Data managers Accreditation points Status
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Oncologie Datamanager See website NVvOD DHC is recognized
Accreditation EBAH (EHA)  Accreditation points Status
Certificate of participation

The DHC organisation submits the attendee list in PE-ONLINE. You'll receive your accreditation points automatically.
If you wish to receive a hard copy of the certificate of attendance, please contact under subject "certificate of attendance".

Accreditation also possible for internists
This year, broad accreditation will be requested to ensure that internists can also earn accreditation points. To achieve this, the program must include sufficient basic hematology. We have marked the sessions that qualify for this accreditation in blue in the program.The clinical line is therefore indicated in blue in the program.

The congress organization aims to improve and invites you to help us making the next congress again as good and interesting as possible. Therefore, your opinion about the congress organization, the quality of the speakers and the topics on the program is, of great value to us.

Attendees of the 17th Dutch Hematology Congress are kindly requested to use their mobile phone to evaluate with the QR code which you find in the rooms and also on the doors of the sessions.

Attendees of the 12th Nursing Symposium are kindly requested to evaluate the program at the end of the Symposium.

Your evaluation will be treated as confidential.

DHC newsletter:
The DHC organization sends out newsletters to inform you about upcomming deadlines, news about the program or other important issues conserning the congress. We aim to keep the amount of emails to a limit. We noticed that some hospitals or institutions consider our emails as spam. If you don't receive any newletters, please check your spam box. Once you've marked one of our emails as 'no spam', new emails will be received in your inbox. 

Program information Dutch Hematology congress

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the Dutch Society for Hematology (NVvH) and Stichting HOVON, jointly present a mix of Educationals and presentations of clinical trials.

On Wednesday and Thursday research projects are presented in the abstract sessions. This entails clinical research projects and research projects from the sub-committees for Experimental Hematology, Immunology (NVvH) and the KWF Lymphoma.

Furthermore, the program presents interactive presentations, keynote lectures and the bone marrow masterclass.

DHC educationals
These interactive sessions are built around a specific hematologic disease for which a guideline has recently been published. The spoken language of these sessions is Dutch.

Meet-the-expert sessions
A variety of topics are represented in the Meet-the-Expert sessions. Under supervision of experts, participants actively study a specific topic in detail. In general, the spoken language of these sessions English. The spoken language is Dutch when there is a Dutch session title shown in the program.

Subscription is required. There are no extra costs involved. Attendance is only possible in combination with your registration of the congress day.

Bone Marrow Masterclass
In clinical hematology, diagnostics have always been very important. Without a doubt, the morphology remains the starting point, but diagnostics become more and more complex due to new developments and improved techniques. The acceleration of prognostic factors and therapeutic targets also become more important.

This masterclass is specifically designed for hematologists in training but can be of interest for hematologists that completed their training, for clinical chemists (in training) and pathologists.
The spoken language is Dutch.

Subscription is required. Note that the masterclass program is spread out over 2 parts that can't be attended seperately. There are no extra costs involved. Attendance is only possible in combination with your registration for the congress day.


Fundamental and translational research:
There will be no open submission for abstracts in these categories. Instead, national key persons have been appointed for 4 research fields (Benign/Hemostapoiesis/Thrombosis, Myeloid/Hematopoiese, Lymphoid, Immunology)

Research fields Keypersons
Benigne, Hemostase, Thrombosis Lize van Vulpen, Iris van Moort
Myeloid, Hematopoiese Vincent van den Boom, Anne Marneth
Lmphoid Joost Vermaat, Eric Eldering
Immunology Marieke Griffioen, Janine van Elssen

The national key persons will closely and actively reach out to group leaders of relevant Dutch research centers (academic hospitals, Sanquin and IKNL) in selecting presentations on subjects within their field of expertise. With this approach it is expected to come to a better representation of the current fundamental and translational research in the field of (immuno)hematology in the Netherlands. Do you have any suggestion for presentations in one of the research fields and you have not been contacted by one of the national key persons or group leaders, you may contact one of the keypersons for that field.

The spoken language of the sessions is English.

Presentations on epidemiological or applied clinical research:
For this category, it is possible to submit an abstract. 
The abstracts will be evaluated by the program committee for presentation during one of the clinical research sessions.
The spoken language is English.
Please note that abstracts submitted by pharmaceutical or other commercial companies will not be accepted.

Deadline for all abstracts: 15 October 2024

Top of DHC: Top Publications and Dutch Best of Congresses abstracts

The program committee invites everyone to nominate a publication for the TOP of DHC session of a Dutch Best of Congresses abstract.

Top publications:
Nominating a publication is not reserved for the authors; everyone can nominate a publication. However, there are restrictions for the DHC TOP publication: the publication should be published in 2024 and the first or last author should be working at a Dutch hospital or research institute.
The submitted publications will be reviewed by the program committee. The publication will be evaluated based on originality and innovativity, the journal of publication is of importance and the committee will consider the clinical significance of the research project. A total of 3 publications will be selected. The authors of these selected publications are invited to present their publication at the 17 DHC.

Dutch Best of congresses abstracts:
This are presentations of research that has been presented at the most recent editions of the ASH, EBMT or EHA. You are invited to submit an abstract for this session. The submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the program committee. The idea is to schedule a wide variaty of topics. When submitting an abstract, you will be requested to give approval that your abstract could be scheduled in one of the other abstract sessions if there is space enough. The spoken language in this session is English. Encore abstracts are accepted in this category.


Jaap Steenbergen stipendium - Thesis of the year
Professors in Hematology are annually invited by the board of the NVvH to nominate PhD-graduates whose theses excel in originality and quality. The NVvH board will review the nominees and select the 'Thesis of 2024'. The winner is invited to give a lecture at 17 DHC and receives the Jaap Steenbergen stipendium which includes an award and a grant of €2000,-. 

Jaap Steenbergen was one of the first hematologists in the Netherlands. He worked for St. Elisabeth hospital in Amersfoort and one day a week for the Radboud university medical center in Nijmegen. 

For further information or the nomination of PhD-graduates, please contact the NVvH:

Swammerdam prize
Every other year, the NVvH Swammerdam prize of €40.000,- is awarded to a talented hematologist. Candidates must be younger than 45 years and working in one the special fields of hematology: hemato-oncology, hemostasis-thrombosis, immuno-hematology of transfusion medicine. 

The Swammerdam prize is one of the most prestigious awards for medical scientists or doctors in the Netherlands. the award is named after the 17th century Dutch scientist Jan Swammerdam. He was the first to describe the erythrocyte under the microscope. 

Click here for more information.

Keynote lectures:
The program committee has selected three keynote lectures.

Program information Nursing symposium

The Nursing Symposium is organized in collaboration with TWG Hematologie and is due on Thursday the 23th of January 2025. The Nursing Symposium is part of DHC and specifically designed for nurses and clinical nurse specialist. The program is completely Dutch spoken and contains an interesting keynote lecture and multiple sessions with lectures from guest speakers and abstract presentations.

We would like to invite you to submit and abstract for an oral presentation. The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee, after which a selection is made of abstracts that are approved for either an oral presentation. You are allowed to submit more than one abstract.

Abstracts do not necessarily need to be of a scientific nature; a variety of topics is accepted. For examples: recent events that influenced the hematological care in your hospital or developements within your department that could be of interest for colleagues in other hospitals. 

Deadline abstract submission: 1 november 2024

At the end of the Nursing Symposium the author of the best abstract will be awarded with a certificate.
